Elevate Your Life with Strategic Intention Setting—a guide From Authentic State Coaching

Set your unique intention with a 6 minute guided meditation, and know what you need less or more of to achieve your intention. Intention setting is an incredibly powerful coaching tool.

Setting your intention helps to focus the mind at both a conscious and unconscious level. It counteracts the clutter of the mind, and the dirty ‘should’s’ we set ourselves. It taps into your intuition and your higher knowledge.

Download the guided meditation…

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Adaptability, change and cooperation

We know that adaptability is crucial to maintaining and improving the world around us, and to getting along with others.

In Australia and globally, we have adapted to this dreaded virus. And in doing so have decreased the severity of its impact.

Being deliberately adaptable means if something is not working for you, or us, then do it differently.

Sometimes on a personal level, we can miss the target, lose our way, struggle with others, or just can’t seem to get what we want. Some people struggle with personal adaptability more than others.

To be adaptable is to be flexible, resilient, modifiable, conformable and changeable.

This means doing something different. Now read that again, adaptability means doing something different.

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