Elevate Your Life with Strategic Intention Setting—a guide From Authentic State Coaching


Learn the value and science of intention setting—and download a free intention visualisation.

In our fast-paced and often chaotic lives, finding ways to stay focused, maintain clarity, and achieve success can feel like an uphill battle.

Setting an intention is the deliberate act of defining what you want to achieve and how you want to show up in a specific situation, project, or even your daily life. It's about consciously choosing your mindset and approach to align with your goals and values. Intentions go beyond traditional goal-setting; they are about how you want to feel and be while pursuing your objectives.

You can harness the power of intention setting before you start your day, your week, a meeting, task, year or practically any time you start something new.

Intention Setting—a Life Hack

Intention setting is simple, but done right (by keeping your intent top of mind across time), it can be an incredibly powerful life hack.

Setting your intention helps to focus your mind at both a conscious and unconscious level.

Intention setting contains energy, emotion, imagery, and meaning that you might not have previously discovered. It can teach you, about you. It helps counteract the clutter of the mind, and the unhelpful ‘should’s’ we often set ourselves.

By setting your intention, you tap into your intuition and harness the power of your unconscious mind (your wisdom-powerhouse) to look for opportunities.

The Science Behind Intentions

The power of setting intentions is not merely anecdotal; it has a scientific basis. Neuroscientific research has shown that when you set an intention, you activate specific neural pathways associated with that intention. This mental priming increases your awareness of relevant opportunities and choices, making it more likely for you to take action aligned with your goals.

Intentions engage the reticular activating system (RAS) in your brain. The RAS acts as a filter for incoming information, highlighting what you consider important. When you set an intention, your RAS begins to prioritise data that supports that intention, effectively boosting your focus and awareness.

How to set your intention

How to Set Your Intention

Step 1: Trust your Intuition – always, always, always trust your intuition. Ok?

What is your intuition? Your intuition is the first thought that enters your mind once you have cleared the internal ‘judgement’. It is the little voice in your head (not the loud critic, but the quiet wisdom). Trust the impression, thought or hunch that comes to you.

Your intuition will speak to you. It might take time or practice. Listening with a clear mind and a trusting heart is sometimes the tricky part – you’ve got this. Trust yourself.

Step 2: Close your eyes. Take several deep breaths and connect with your body. Listen into your body.

Step 3: Ask yourself “What do I want for my self in the coming year?

Choose one to three words for your intention for your coming year.

Let yourself feel into the question. Allow your truth to rise to the surface.

Once you have your intention, ask the second question.

Step 4: Ask yourself “To achieve (insert your intention word), what do I have to let go of?”. Ask and allow for a word, or message, to come through for you.

Step 5: Ask yourself “What am I going to do in the next 12 months to achieve (insert your intention word)?”. Ask and allow for a word, or message, to come through for you.

Tips for Intention Setting

  1. Be Specific: Your intentions should be clear and specific. Instead of a vague intention like "I want to be successful," say, "I intend to excel in my career by achieving a promotion within the next year."

  2. Use Positive Language: Phrase your intentions positively, focusing on what you want to achieve rather than what you want to avoid.

  3. Set Realistic Goals: While intentions are powerful, they should be realistic and achievable. Set yourself up for success by setting attainable milestones.

  4. Visualise Your Intentions: Create a mental image of yourself embodying your intentions. Visualisation can reinforce your commitment.

  5. Write Them Down: Put your intentions in writing. This act of commitment can make your intentions feel more tangible and concrete.

  6. Review Daily: Make it a habit to review your intentions daily, ideally in the morning or before important tasks. This reinforces your commitment and keeps your focus sharp. Remember, your mind is your responsibility to feed, clean and program your mind.

Get Your Free Intention Setting Meditation

If this is new to you, I’ve created a 6 minute guided Intention Setting audio meditation for you! All you need to do is just listen and allow.

Enjoy the process. If it helps, think of this like a playful little experiment!

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